Based on your company policy, you may or may not have privilege to give monetary recognition. Monetary recognition is also commonly known as Spot Recognition.
1. If you have privilege to give monetary recognition, you can see Recognize action on Home. Click on the icon.
Note: This action name can be different for you based on what your company might have chosen. The icon for monetary recognition is a Badge.
2. You can see your budget in right hand side corner. You can recognize your team member or any employee from your organization. Type the name of employee and select from the system suggested list. You can recognize single or multiple employees in one go.
Once employee/s are selected, select the badge which you want to give. If you have selected multiple employees, each employee will get individual badge and associated reward points. E.g. You have selected 2 employee and a badge worth 500 Points, each employee gets 500 Points. Total 1000 Points will be deducted from your budget.
Type your comments describing why you are giving the recognition. Detailed comments describing what the employee has done and how it has made impact helps everyone knows why the employee is being recognized and they can also take inspirations from that performance. This helps the employee being recognized to understand for which activities he is being recognized and motivates him/her to continue the good work.
Click on Recognise button. Once the recognition is give, an activity will be posted in activity stream which will be visible to everyone. The employee/s will get an email and SMS notification about the recognition.