How does your company celebrate or recognize when you have been employed for 5 years or 8, 10 or 20 years? Or do they even celebrate this achievement of yours?

In today's fast moving world and growing markets, working in a company for a long time (quite subjective but generally 5 years and more) is an accomplishment in itself. It should be a big deal for you and the company. And your peers, your team, your manager...your organization should be celebrating this event with you. Hence, Long Service Awards or LSA is awarded to employees for their service in a company for certain milestones like completion of 5 or 10 years of employment. 

Through the portal, your peers and your seniors can congratulate your though messages, photos, audio messages, videos etc. Recognition from department or company heads, exciting goodies makes this event very special. Simply, LSA is all about congratulating & thanking you for services in the organization.

Note- This is based on your company's R&R program.