Has your team mate made you tea/coffee while you were overloaded with work? Did someone in your organization help you on some project work? Then go ahead and recognize that employee through Peer to Peer Recognition!
Peer to Peer Recognition is an informal way of recognizing employees in the organization compared to formal awards. Based on your organization's values, you can recognize or send Peer to Peer badges to anyone in the organization, be it your team member, your manager to an employee in another business unit. Peer to Peer Recognition is non-monetary i.e. this type of recognition process does not involve any Reward Points. This is instant recognition so you can recognize your peers anytime.
It is the most frequently used form of recognition in organizations, making it a very powerful tool and a core part of the Engagement Program. Peer to Peer recognition are non-monetary but they hold salient values which have an overall positive impact on the employee.